Garlic is a species of monocotyledonous perennial vegetable plants whose bulbs have a strong smell and taste. They can be common or cultivated and have several types. They are often used as a condiment in cooking or used as a medicine. The head of garlic consists of several cloves and is covered by a papery skin. Garlic flower can also be consumed raw or cooked. Originally from Central Asia, it would have been used for 5,000 years in the Mediterranean region, particularly in Egypt. Today it is still highly appreciated in many regions for its taste and medicinal qualities.
Two types of garlic are planted in Syria. The Mediterranean and the Chinese breed. The Chinese breed has been planted locally and domesticated, giving it a stronger and more poignant taste.
We at Le Capre, have decided to work with the Chinese domesticated breed as it is more to the liking of our European customer and produces bigger cloves.

We purchase the garlic when it is still green with its roots and stems and spread it on the ground heads facing down to dry for at least two weeks.

When the garlic is dry, the roots and stems are cut off manually to separate the heads. The cloves are then separated to be transferred to the peeling machine.

Once peeled, the cloves are spread on the exam tables to be separated based on the following criteria: damaged or colored cloves and perfect cloves. The damaged or colored cloves are disposed of and the perfect ones have their heads cut off before being calibrated.

During the final stage, the garlic cloves are pickled to preserve their white color and strong flavor and preserved in drums until ready for shipping.